ISO Standards for print media production

Hieronder treft u een overzicht van de relavante normen zoals die worden uitgegeven door de ISO-organisatie. Deze normen worden vastgesteld in de commissie voor de grafische industrie binnen de ISO, namelijk de technische werkgroep: TC 130. In deze werkgroep heeft de SCGM een zetel.

De ISO standards

A selection of ISO TC 130 standards from a total number of 61, and some additional important standards for the printing industry.

ISO 2846-1:2006
Graphic technology - Colour and transparency of printing ink sets for four-colour printing - Part 1: Sheet-fed and heat-set web offset lithographic printing

ISO 2846-2:2007
Graphic technology - Colour and transparency of printing ink sets for four-colour printing –
Part 2: Coldset offset lithographic printing

ISO 12218:1997
Graphic technology - Process control - Offset platemaking

ISO 12637-1:2006
Graphic technology - Vocabulary - Part 1: Fundamental terms

ISO 12640-1:1997
Graphic technology - Prepress digital data exchange - Part 1: CMYK standard colour image data (CMYK/SCID)

ISO 12640-2:2004
Graphic technology - Prepress digital data exchange - Part 2: XYZ/sRGB encoded standard colour image data (XYZ/SCID)

ISO 12640-3:2007
Graphic technology - Prepress digital data exchange - Part 3: CIELAB standard colour image data (CIELAB/SCID)

ISO 12642-2:2006
Graphic technology - Input data for characterization of 4-colour process printing - Part 2: Expanded data set

ISO 12646:2008
Graphic technology - Displays for colour proofing - Characteristics and viewing conditions

ISO 12647-1:2004
Graphic technology - Process control for the production of half-tone colour separations, proof and production prints - Part 1: Parameters and measurement methods

ISO 12647-2:2004 and ISO 12647-2:2004/Amd 1:2007
Graphic technology - Process control for the production of half-tone colour separations, proof and production prints - Part 2: Offset lithographic processes

ISO 12647-3:2005
Graphic technology - Process control for the production of half-tone colour separations, proofs and production prints - Part 3: Coldset offset lithography on newsprint

ISO 12647-4:2005
Graphic technology - Process control for the production of half-tone colour separations, proofs and production prints - Part 4: Publication gravure printing

ISO 12647-5:2001
Graphic technology - Process control for the manufacture of half-tone colour separations, proof and production prints - Part 5: Screen printing

ISO 12647-7:2007
Graphic technology - Process control for the production of half-tone colour separations, proof and production prints - Part 7: Proofing processes working directly from digital data

ISO 13655:1996
Graphic technology - Spectral measurement and colorimetric computation for graphic arts images

ISO 15930-1:2001
Graphic technology - Prepress digital data exchange - Use of PDF - Part 1: Complete exchange using CMYK data (PDF/X-1 and PDF/X-1a)

ISO 15930-7:2008
Graphic technology - Prepress digital data exchange using PDF - Part 7: Complete exchange of printing data (PDF/X-4) and partial exchange of printing data with external profile reference (PDF/X-4p) using PDF 1.6

ISO 15930-8:2008
Graphic technology - Prepress digital data exchange using PDF - Part 8: Partial exchange of printing data using PDF 1.6 (PDF/X-5)

ISO 3664:2000
Viewing conditions – Graphic technology and photography

ISO/TS 10128:2009(E)
Graphic technology — Methods of adjustment of the colour reproduction of a printing system to match a set of characterisation data
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Meer informatie over de ISO 12647-norm kunt U vinden onder de button certificatie. Heeft u andere vragen kunt u ons altijd bellen: 020 - 543 56 65 .

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